BaCh BaFedCh Hr(S)Ch Sk(S)Ch

Fixour's I Am Legend

Jones 7 weeks

Hips FCI A/A
PRA (rcd4) clear | CCA clear

Breeding database

Owner: Verena Forman & Sophie Aspholm, Germany


  • Ba Ch - Bosnia and Herzegovinan Champion
  • Ba Fed Ch - Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovinan Champion
  • Hr (S) Ch - Croatian Champion (no working result)
  • Sk (S) Ch - Slovenian Champion (no working result)


    Sukutaulu 8:ssa sukupolvessa - Pedigree on 8 generations

    LtCh TlnJW'16
    Silent North
    Past and The Present

    CIB AmCh ByCh EeCh FiCh PlCh RKFCh RusCh EuJW'03 WW'06 FiW'10
    Kingpoint Everywhere
    Windcrest Once In A Blue Moon

    AmCh BaltW'98 FiW'98 FiW'00
    Kingpoint Afterthought

    CIE ByCh LtCh LvCh LtJW'10 LvJW'10 EeW'12 BaltVW'17
    Silent North Adhafera
    CIE ByCh EeCh LtCh LvCh PlCh RKFCh RusCh
    Sangerfild Clan Curator

    CIE ByCh LtCh LvCh MultiW
    Showpoint Do It Again

    CIE EeCh LtCh LvCh BaltCh
    Fixour's Every Flavour Bean
    CIB CIE AtCh CzCh De(VDH)Ch HrCh SiCh SkCHAtGrandCh HRGrandCh SkGrandCh
    Showpoint Light My Fire
    AmCh BaltW'06 BaltJW'06
    Showpoint Dreamer
    CIE MultiCh
    Windrest Showpoint Uptown Girl
    CIE EeCh EsCh LtCh LvCh PtCh BaltCh HeW'17 HeVW'18 HeVW'19 FiVW'19
    Sunsetter's Alphabet Street
    AmCh AmFtCh
    Sun-Yak Spellbnd Heaven Scent
    GiCh EsCh
    Sunsetter's Bohemian Rhapsody


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    © Fixours Kennel 2018 ~ No material on this site should be used without permission.